Six months ago: Stopped all the capitalization of blog titles.
Five months ago: Stopped all the secrecy of first names.
Four months ago: Stopped all the blogging.
I would say I am sorry about my lack of posts since May, but really, I am not. Because a) no one really cares, and b) since I am being so open with first names now, at least for those of you over age 18, I needed to clear out any potential stalkers. Or something.
But, I will report that I enjoyed a delightful summer at home, living with my family, reminiscing with old friends, playing with my favorite neighbors and determining whether I can someday be a Real Lawyer. That pretty much sums it up, but since I have a) very photogenic friends and b) the most adorable neighbors on the planet, I will show my loyal readers (both of you) the proof:

There you go. I told you. For the record, I have at least a few other friends, really, really great ones, but alas, I forgot the camera every time I saw them. And that cute girl has a few equally adorable siblings, who I really, really love, but same story, no pictures. So use your imagination. And keep checking Capital C for the next nine months. I am back, but for a limited time. I start my final year of law school in one week, and once I graduate, I will no longer be Callie in the Capital ...