Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Runaway girls ...

I had a week between finishing finals and going to Boston with my family (more on that to come). So Meradyth and I had some quality time together. And one day Mer had the brilliant idea to go to Berlin, Maryland, the town Runaway Bride was based on and filmed in. We had such a fabulous time ... one of my favorite D.C. adventures for sure ...

I really like bridges.

Recognize this hotel from the movie?!


"I'm going to go focus on your eggs, Bob." Yes. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts sat right here, in the same restaurant where we had lunch. And by "had lunch" I mean ordered half the menu. The waiters did not even attempt to mask their awe at our eating abilities ...


Katie Blacker said...

looks like a fun town. that was a cute movie.

Kevin and Heather Hirst said...

That is so cool Callie. I love small towns like that. I just saw that movie recently:)