Monday, April 7, 2008

A Compromise ...

It turns out that making outlines out of an entire semester's worth of professorial chattering can be really long and tedious. So, in an attempt at actually forcing myself to do this unpleasant task, I compromised with myself. I get to turn a movie on (in the background, of course) while I sit on my sofa for hours at a time. And type. And type. And type. And, in an effort to keep learning even during the parts where I find myself looking at the television screen instead of the computer screen, I am choosing movies with themes to match the subject. First up, Constitutional Law (which I like, for the record). So, naturally, I watched the West Wing. Next, Property. So I am watching Pride and Prejudice. (Because quite a lot of law comes from England, and hello, Pride and Prejudice is all about owning enough land, right ...)


Autumn Day said...

I have a suggestional recommendation for your next venture into thematic cinema. All the presiden't s men. Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, and Nixon. It is quite one of my favorite movies. AND in it you could learn about the danger of libel (constitutional law right there Cal! Referenced most sufficiently in New York Times v. Sullivan, and Geortz v. someone.)

And now a question, I never thought I would here the day when my very articulate sister would say, nay, TYPE, the phrase, "Hello." How intriguing.

Endless Days and Northern Nights said...

This is a brilliant idea! I'm going to make my husband do this so I can still watch movies while he outlines!!! Do you have any other suggestions for movie titles to match other classes?! Miss your lovely face! - Emi

Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith goes to Washington?

Hey sweetie, got the job at Goldman Sachs