Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Cleaning ...

On Saturday after I survived my oral argument (SO glad to be finished with that, hooray) and my Friday night emotional meltdown (thank you M., for listening and thank you McDonald's in the strange underground Metro mall, for having the only Shamrock Shakes in town) I decided to avoid anything law-related. So I cleaned out my closet. And when I say cleaned out, I mean not only pulled the summer clothes out from under the bed, but that I retired some of the old clothes you have all seen for way too many years. (I can hear the cheers all the way from home ... sorry, but I kept the striped shirt. I will NEVER throw that away, so stop hoping.) One now-discarded but still-beloved article of clothing deserves a mention here, though: The David Osmond Sweater. Yes. I have a name for it. I have had this lovely red Calvin Klein turtleneck sweater for a decade, and I know this because I wore it to interview (and fall madly in love with, as only a just-turned 16-year-old can) said Osmond. I really debated about eliminating it from my wardrobe, as I could still technically wear it, but really, I think it might be a bit out of style, fond memories notwithstanding ...


Anonymous said...

I remember both the striped shirt and the David Osmond sweater. WOW--this goes to show how long I've known you. Good for you for holding on to some element of the past. Also, yeah for being done with your stressful weekend. I can't wait to hear how it all went, even though I already know you did fabulously well!

J. said...

This is what I remember from the D.O. sweater of love: Callie staring at David as the camera pans from his pretty boy face to a young aspiring journalist, Ms. Cal. The expression was/is priceless. You better still have that tape.

Autumn Day said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe this world has seen the last of that sweater. It actually makes me really very sad. It's the end of an era.

Katie Blacker said...

All I have to say, is thank goodness the striped shirt has been preserved! Some would argue, it is her one flaw. I love you Cal!

Anonymous said...

If not the striped shirt, maybe that yellow hat? Please say it's so! love, TIf