Thursday, March 27, 2008

For K. ...

My friend K. entered my limerick contest 10 days late. Normally, I might tell her she should read my blog and follow my rules. But, as she reminded me, she was out of the country at the time of the deadline. And since she was in Scotland, which is practically Ireland (unless you are Scottish or Irish, in which case they are not at all the same) I am granting her request. Sort of. Except this: K., you must buy your own Shamrock Shake. By the time I send you a card in the mail it would not be March and thus you would not be able to buy one anyway. So, just buy one yourself, and alternate between thinking about the delicious green flavors, your favorite friend in D.C., and your favorite Scottish lad. So, everyone, here you go, a lovely limerick from K., recently returned from the U.K. ...

One day a girl went to work
Her duties that day she did shirk
She spent all her time
Coming up with a rhyme
In hopes of a Shamrock Shake perk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tiffany missed the poetry contest, please have another one.