Monday, June 16, 2008

Pop Quiz ...

Last night I went to a violin/piano concert at the National Gallery of Art. I liked the concert. But I really loved this sentence in the program: "Offerto starts like a trembling hand writing an obituary in dry sand." That made me think of some other things that remind me of a trembling hand writing an obituary in dry sand. And it made me think of those incredibly insightful, telling quizzes that reveal the true Disney princess, famous city, color or Friends character hidden deep inside ... so now, just such a quiz, Capital C style ...

"A trembling hand writing an obituary in dry sand," makes me (this means you) think of:
a. A lonely terrorist scrawling his memoirs on the walls of his cave as he patiently waits for The End.
b. My (this means your) love life, starting out tentatively only to be blown away with a tiny gust of hot air.
c. The plot to my (this means your) new book, with the hero stranded in the desert with nothing but an old carpet and a rusty lamp.
d. Nothing. What a stupid thing to do.

This means that you are really:
a. Barack Obama. Those misunderstood characters in the Middle East just want to be left in peace, so we should do that.
b. George Clooney. And pretty much everyone I know. Well, all the single people I know.
c. J.K. Rowling. At it again, making more money than the Queen and Oprah combined.
d. Boring ...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...I love it. Looks like I'm good ol' George. But then again, aren't we all? I love your sassy blog. Keep me posted!

carly said...

hahaha Callie this is hilarious! I love you! And i'm going with George Clooney...such a babe :)