Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve ...

OK, since after tomorrow I will likely never want to discuss this election again, I must make a few Election Eve comments. Mainly about how disgusted I am with the press right now, and its complete lack of even the pretense of fair reporting. Two examples from this Sunday alone:

From the main story on the front page of The Washington Post:
"John McCain faces an enormous task in trying to prevent Barack Obama from winning the White House and becoming the first African American president in the nation's history, according to a final weekend preelection analysis by The Washington Post."

Yes, I am so sure that when John McCain decided to run for president he did not do so because he wanted to become president himself, but because he wanted to prevent Barack Obama from becoming the first African American president. Seriously. Nicely spun, writers.

From Parade Magazine:
"Obama: Chose Delaware Sen. Joe Biden after a long and careful vetting process, rejecting the idea of Sen. Hillary Clinton as a running mate.
McCain: Picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at the last minute, reportedly after deciding that Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, his first choice, would anger pro-life delegates at the Republican Convention.
Bottom Line: Obama put experience and readiness to be President first. McCain made excitement and freshness his top priority."

Sorry, but both candidates picked vice presidents who had the strengths they lacked. Obama already had excitement and freshness, so he needed Biden. McCain already had experience and readiness, so he needed Palin. (Not to say that I am enamored with Palin, and that someone else could not have provided some other strengths McCain lacked. But really. No one knows what the vice president does anyway, right ...)


Nicole said...

Here here. I am sick of these beautiful shots of Obama followed by the most rediculous facial expressions of McCain. Now I know that Obama is younger and carries himself a certain way, but the media is definitely not equally putting their best feet forward. Maybe tomorrow we can put all this behind us...

Holly and Dave said...

has the media ever been fair and just??? i don't trust them one bit...

Kevin and Heather Hirst said...

well said Callie. I was so mad on election day, because everyone here sure does like to voice their opinion and tell you how wrong you are. When I was in line to vote, there were two lines, and one was longer than the other. Some guy decides to say "that longer line is for people who are stupid enough to be republicans!" And more things like that were said. I mean, come on, everyone has a right to their opinion, but we don't have to bash each other. Sorry about the rant, but it made me really mad!

P.S. said...

Good points Capital C. You always have been my favorite republican journalist (shh don't tell Jen). Even as an Obama supporter I see your points and love your ability to catch the subtle slants the media puts into their writing.
I would love to talk to you about the speeches (McCain/Obama) sometime.

P.S. said...

And by they way, I miss you terribly!
Would love to get together if you come in town for the holidays.