Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Early in the morning ...

Dear Professor Whose Last Name I Do Not Even Know,

Thank you. This morning, just one hour ago, you proved my parents right in a decades-long assertion I have long denied: I am not that nice in the morning. You might wonder how you managed such a feat. I will tell you. First, you required me to attend your class at 7:45 a.m. This means I left my house at 7:15 a.m. I am a student, not a responsible adult, and I should not be leaving my house at such an hour. Next, when I arrived at said class, you proceeded to instruct me about the passive voice. I learned about passive voice in the ninth grade. That would be more than a decade of me knowing how to avoid passive voice. Then, it got worse. You talked about the difference between affect and effect and that and which and statute and statue. I am pretty sure I mastered that a while ago, too. Then, after all of this, you asked me to fill out a course evaluation. Which I did. I answered honestly. And I discovered that I really am mean in the morning. But when you read that I find your class basically useless, keep looking to see where I gave you really high marks for enthusiasm. Because I did. I understand that you do not choose the inane topics for our class, and I blame the school completely. And if the evaluation had another comments section, I would report that you have really adorable clothing, too, and I find it miraculous that you can look so put together at such an early hour ...


Katie Blacker said...

you should teach a class...on how to be mean in the morning :) haha. i dont know what that even means...it just came out?

P.S. said...

I have been your roommate at two separate occasions and can honestly say I've NEVER seen you be mean. Not in the morning, the afternoon, or even the wee hours of the night. Don't think you have a mean bone in your body.
I, however, could teach you if you'd like! Let's practice on telemarketers who call and wake up my sleeping baby!