Monday, February 9, 2009

Slow news day ...

I think I should stop bothering to even glance at CNN. Because when I do, I only see stories like this:

— There was a minor bump on the road — actually a minor bump on the head — as President Barack Obama departed Monday for Elkhart, Indiana to sell his stimulus plan to Americans.

While boarding Marine One on Monday morning, the president turned to wave goodbye and ever so slightly bumped the left side of his head on the doorway to the helicopter. He seemed to recover quickly, then ducked before boarding the helicopter that would take him to Air Force One. Unfortunately for Obama, there were many cameras there to capture the accident.

This isn’t the first time a president’s head has collided with Marine One: President George W. Bush hit his head on the side of the helicopter while boarding shortly after taking office — also in full view of a row of cameras.

Luckily for both men, no visible signs of injury resulted from the minor mishap.

So perhaps I have more in common with the president than I thought. I injure myself all the time, for example. And in other important news, my bathroom ceiling has developed a crack. Which means that I now recite Madeline books to myself multiple times a day. Although my crack on the ceiling does not have the habit of sometimes looking like a rabbit, for the record. It is more of an X-marks-the-spot type crack. But still. And if the preceding sentences made no sense to you, you should really consider becoming more familiar with little-girl reading materials. Your life will improve, I promise. They are clearly much more valuable than what passes for news these days ...


Brooke said...

HAHA poor Obama nothing like telling everyone you hit your head. I love reading your posts!

Autumn Day said...

Oh my gosh I love you more than ever before! I am so happy that you are MY sister and no one elses:) And I can't wait till you come home in like 80 days!!! Yay!!!!!!!