Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Monday ...

I only have one class on Mondays. It happens to be my current tied-for-favorite class: Copyright Law. And it does not start until 11 a.m. And today I wore my new yellow shoes. And they did not give me any blisters. Thus, I like Mondays. Good logic, eh ...

Now, a paragraph from the reading for my other tied-for-favorite class, Law and Literature. This comes from a closing argument defense attorney Clarence Darrow made in a 1924 murder case:

"If there is such a thing as justice it could only be administered by one who knew the inmost thoughts of the man to whom he was meting it out. Aye, who knew the father and mother and the grandparents and the infinite number of people back of him. Who knew the origin of every cell that went into the body, who could understand the structure and how it acted. Who could tell how the emotions that sway the human being affected that particular frail piece of clay. It means more than that. It means that you must appraise every influence that moves men, the civilization where they live, and all society which enters into the making of the child or the man! If Your Honor can do it--if you can do it you are wise, and with wisdom goes mercy." ~ Attorney for the Damned, Clarence Darrow in the Courtroom


jaci said...

Do you know how much I love reading your posts? Well, I do. I'm so glad you are back!
Cute room! Love it!


Your dad fixed me my very first Fresh Lime! So yummy! You have fabulous parents!

Jen Richards said...

Callie! Hey! This is Jen (from London). Looks like you are having a GREAT time in D.C. in law school. BTW- you look great! I am so glad you have a blog so I can see what you are up to. Also- Bryson's brother started med school this fall at GW. I am pretty sure he is the singles ward there in D.C., so maybe you will run into him? His name is Taylor.