Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In which I attempt yoga ...

This week Carly joined a gym. I got a free one-week pass out of the deal. So today we went to a yoga class. The teacher came in five minutes late, in heels and a dress, and immediately began a continuous stream of instructions as she situated herself at the front of the room.

Being me, I did not completely follow her command to close our eyes and breathe. I am opposed to closing my eyes in unfamiliar public places, so I did not do that. But I am in favor of breathing, so I did that. Well, as I breathed she began removing articles of clothing. She seemed to be wearing shorts underneath the dress, but she definitely added a shirt and removed said dress as we all continued breathing and some of us closed our eyes. Apparently the eye-closing is less for relaxation than for some minimal form of modesty.

Despite realizing that this class might not be quite as Puritan as I am, and yes I know that few things are as Puritan as I am, for the first ten seconds of instructions after the breathing and eye-closing business, I felt pretty good about myself. I could totally do the whole turn-my-head-side-to-side routine. Then things became more complicated. For the next hour, I twisted and wriggled and tied myself up in knots and attempted a few maneuvers my body has not attempted since the age of 12. It turns out that I am not a natural at yoga. Shocker, I know. But apparently the skills required to repeatedly win the balancing contests in ballet class are not the same ones needed to remain balanced while flailing various limbs. Dang. Or perhaps one must work on such skills more than once a decade. Something to consider ...


J. said...

That's hilarious. The description of the teacher cracks me up. Not exactly zen or calm as she undresses and rushed in late. I like the idea of you and yoga. Keep going so I can hear more entertaining stories.

Julie said...

I pretended to do Yoga this week. Um, yeah, not easy.

Katie Blacker said...

I am so proud. I would have purchased a gym pass just to witness you attempt the downward dog (a yoga term, people). good times. I would be horrible at that. Flexibility is not my forte. Or, really any strenuous exercise for that matter...I should probably change that quick.

p.s. I am eating cinamon toast right now thinking about you.

The Kidds said...

YAY! I'm so glad you're back!

Kevin and Heather Hirst said...

That teacher sounds like a mess! I have tried yoga a few times-like you, I like the breathing. but the moves where you have one leg up and you twist your torso are a little too difficult for me! However, I love child's pose (yes, I know a yoga term too!)