Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am so over thinking up titles ...

So, I actually do watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. And the food. Not so much the game. And this article will be all the Super Bowl coverage you will find on Capital C, so enjoy it. I have conveniently posted my favorite parts below:

From Sally Jenkins, in the Washington Post:

"Tebow's 30-second ad hasn't even run yet, but it already has provoked "The National Organization for Women Who Only Think Like Us" to reveal something important about themselves: They aren't actually "pro-choice" so much as they are pro-abortion. Pam Tebow has a genuine pro-choice story to tell. She got pregnant in 1987, post-Roe v. Wade, and while on a Christian mission in the Philippines, she contracted a tropical ailment. Doctors advised her the pregnancy could be dangerous, but she exercised her freedom of choice and now, 20-some years later, the outcome of that choice is her beauteous Heisman Trophy winner son, a chaste, proselytizing evangelical.

"Pam Tebow and her son feel good enough about that choice to want to tell people about it. Only, NOW says they shouldn't be allowed to. Apparently NOW feels this commercial is an inappropriate message for America to see for 30 seconds, but women in bikinis selling beer is the right one. I would like to meet the genius at NOW who made that decision. On second thought, no, I wouldn't."


P.S. said...

Just got caught up on your blog and now I have a couple thoughts:
1-I was in an awful mood today and you perked me right up.
2-The red eye tool sucks in most photo programs. It is a dilemma though, fix it and look like an alien or don't and look like the devil. Hmmm.
3-Of course you would like the yellow swimsuit! I couldn't help but think I would look like a big yellow tug boat in a yellow swimsuit, but you would look cute and fun in it-NOT FAIR.
4-I texted you number 4.
5-I miss you. A LOT!

Katie Blacker said...

i am excited for the commercials too. Chris has been watching football recently and told me that I should pretend that every game is BYU vs UofU - (becuase that is the only football game I care about)...so aparently this time I am rooting for a team too...

The saints = BYU. Go Saints!