Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday ...

So, not only does my stylish little sister share a birthday with the epitome of all classiness (Laura Bush, obviously), but today I learned that my brother almost shares a birthday with the epitome of all verbosity (Barack Obama, even more obviously). Somehow I doubt, however, that Obama shares my now-25-year-old brother's aptitude for being completely accurate when making seemingly ridiculous statements. (For those so unfortunate as to not be related to us, now might be the first time you learn that the best type of mozzarella cheese is evidently made with water buffalo milk. How my brother knew this more than a decade ago remains a mystery.) What this convoluted post is really trying to do is simply to wish my brother a happy birthday ... a day late (relax all, I did call him yesterday). But as a bonus, take that, Barack: I am purposely abstaining from wishing you a happy birthday even though it is your actual birthday and not a day late AND I am insulting your credibility at the same time. And as an extra bonus, while on the topic of birthdays, I will remind my faithful readers that it is never too early to start planning for January 11 ...


I am Laura said...

Happy Birthday Roman. I can't believe I am that old to have babysat all you guys. I turn 30 this year. It is sickening.

Sally said...

Yay Callie! I'm glad someone has the guts to say it straight. And happy b-day to your brother :)