Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin Tall

Every time I hear the name "Sarah Palin" I think of the book "Sarah, Plain and Tall" from the elementary school days. I cannot remember anything about the book except the title, but I think I might need to revisit it just to satisfy my curiosity. Especially if McCain-Palin win. I really do not want to spend the next four years thinking about the title of a book I cannot remember. But, my memory issues aside, I think I like Palin. So far, I like her because:

1. I like surprises.
2. I really, really like the thought of Hillary not being the ultimate ceiling-shatterer. (For the record, I do NOT vote for people because of their gender. I just like this woman better than the last one to campaign for high office.)
3. I am intrigued by the names of her children. Obviously she has creativity. I like that. (I could be biased here. I am pretty sure my Mom almost named one of us Willow.)
4. If I am choosing vacation spots, I choose Hawaii. But Alaska wins on survival skills. And being tough. And aware of reality. (But we must be pretty serious about this change thing ... candidates from Alaska AND Hawaii in one election. We definitely cannot get farther from DC than those options ...)
5. She is not Mike Huckabee. (Yep, never got over that one ...)

P.S. I know, I know. Not a policy on my list. But I can write whatever I want on my blog. And I am not in the mood to write about policy. So there.


I am Laura said...

The book was good and worth reading again. It will take you about an hour to read the whole thing. It is really short. I love it. I have also read all the sequels for it. Sarah is a wonderful person (from Sarah Plain and tall.) And I think the love story is really sweet. Brief synopsis Sarah moves in with a widower to care for his children as a nanny. I can't comment on the other Sarah as I know nothing about her and the conventions are so late that I keep falling asleep during the first speakers.

Katie Blacker said...

i like pitt bull Pallin, too