Friday, September 19, 2008

Yellow Pajama Pants ...

This story began innocently enough, with me buying a baby gift of all things. That required that I go to Old Navy and Barnes & Noble for my traditional book-wrapped-in-a-blanket standby. (I go with what I know people. I do not know the proper size and corresponding seasonal attire for your adorable bundle of joy. I do know books and blankets, however. I know them really, really well.) Anyway, after spending some quality time in the children's book and clothing sections (I may not know what size to buy, but that does not stop me from looking at the cuteness of it all) I apparently mistook myself for a Person With An Income, because $100 later, I have not only a fabulous book and the blanket to wrap it in, but a jacket, five shirts (ON SALE) and two other books. And a pair of pajama pants. (Mom, stop sighing.) Because along with books and blankets, I know pajama pants. And although I already have red ones with white stars and yellow ones with blue stars and blue ones with yellow stars and pink ones with pink diamonds and one red pair with stripes and a white pair with pineapples, I did not have any yellow and white striped ones. And I am always on the lookout for just such a pair. So I bought them. On sale, in my defense. (And also in my defense, today I found a hole in my favorite ones, the red ones with pink stripes.) And Mom and Dad, this does not mean I do not need another pair on Christmas Eve. I will always need another pair on Christmas Eve. (Clearly I value them. I have the pajama pants from the last five Christmases.) And (sort of) on this topic, I am happy to report that with Halloween candy now in stores, I can officially start listening to Christmas music in one month and 11 days ...


I am Laura said...

I don't really wear too many pjs anymore, but your story reminded me that I used to own every pair I could and couldn't stop buying them and then I also used to watch Ally McBeal and loved that show. Ally was the same and love pjs. I thought she was the coolest for that hense now I think you are the coolest for being like her.

Holly and Dave said...

i too have a weakness for pajama pants, or what i call "comfy pants." i like calling them this, because it does NOT imply that i wear them only to bed. it just means i can wear them whenever i want to be comfortable. and i will add that i also found some GREAT deals at old navy recently, along with a baby gift. you never knew how alike we really are!

Holly and Dave said...

if i didn't know any better, i would think your favorite color was yellow....

J. said...

Yellow striped pajamas! You don't say. Lets see you in them. Good finds. I'm glad you went on a little shopping spree. I'm sure you found great stuff. And about your typical baby shower gift...genius.

Tracie said...

You're sounding more and more like me every day - only I don't go for yellow pajama pants - I go for red shoes!

Katie Blacker said...

I live in my pj pants. But, for some reason, mine are always too short. whats up with that? I buy them and wash them once, and bam!... I am ready for a flood.

M said...

Oh, Callie. I just adore you!