Tuesday, December 30, 2008

That might not be a compliment ...

On occasion, I am accused (by three friends, one mother and one sister, at last count) of wearing jeans that do not fit properly. I disagree with this accusation. Call me crazy, but I like to do silly things like breathe, eat, and sit while wearing my pants. I know, insane. (And for the record, nearly every pair of pants I own stays on without even a belt, which proves these claims to be entirely unfounded.) Well, for Christmas, I received a new pair of jeans. I tried them on, and they seemed to fit just fine. Well, mother and sister intervened (to the delight of friends, I am sure) and acquired additional sizes for me to consider. Which I did, with some helpful input. And amidst this ask-the-audience decision-making process, my brother revealed that even if I wore too-tight pants, I would not look scandalous because I am apparently so far on the other end of the scandalous-clothing spectrum that I cannot even see whatever imaginary line exists between scandalous and non-scandalous clothing. Clearly, I have a brave brother, to be willing to make such a comment to someone who has been whining about becoming old for the past week. (My roommate C. tried to make me feel better about this by telling me that I will soon be a perfect cube, which apparently does not happen again until I turn 64. But seeing as how I do not do math, being a perfect cube does not sound that appealing. A perfect sentence, yes. But a perfect cube sounds pretty close to being really boring.) So after hearing from R. and looking at the calendar, I might need to take some drastic action. Then again, it might have to wait for another four months. I think the library will be seeing me quite a lot next semester ...


J. said...

I saw the jeans, and voted. You're hot in that one pair. Well both pairs, but you know the ones I voted for. I while R.,'s opinion is hilarious I think you can look scandalous. Is that what we're aiming for now that we're perfect cubes? Hmmm. xoxox

Katie said...

I, too, am not excited to enter the life of a perfect cube. It somehow sounds like I'll be transformed into a land of cubicles...and I already visit that land in reality too much.

By the way, I think all of my comments lately have been nonsensical. I'll blame that on the impending cube-i-ness.