Friday, January 22, 2010

Here you go, Jennie ...

I smile at dogs. Mostly in elevators but occasionally on the street, too. Not in the "I am smiling because I love dogs and they make me happy and now that I am in the vicinity of a dog, I am happy" way. Also not quite in the smiling at random babies way, which is more of an "I am smiling because what else can I do to interact with you in this elevator" way. And importantly, with babies I am also trying to get them to smile back at me. When I smile at dogs I am not trying to get them to smile back at me, because, alas, I do not live in a Disney movie. Which just leaves me smiling at dogs for no reason at all ...

P.S. Jennie, maybe your dog is insulted by my smiling. This would explain why it hates me. Something to consider.


J. said...

I'm smiling at your post...well more like laughing and loving it. You're hilarity and wit are like no other. So thanks for the post, and I will be better at posting.

I'm glad and rather surprised you smile at dogs, well not surprised you are a smily person.

Love ya!

Kallee said...

Funny observation. Just make sure you don't give any toothy grins to ferocious dogs, lest they confuse this as a sign of aggression.

Katie Blacker said...

i don't get why this post is for Jennie but, I am glad you smile at dogs.

Katie said...

I love this post.

And I smile at dogs and do expect them to smile back at me. Babies, not so much. They're sort of hit and miss. And honestly, babies are more of a mystery to me than dogs are.

I would say my expectations pay off because a beautiful pit bull smiled back at me today. And a chinese waterdog smiled last week.

Babies smiling at me in the last few weeks: 0.

I think this says a lot about me.

Kevin and Heather Hirst said...

Callie I love this--I smile at every single dog I see and sometimes even talk to them. And then I realize that I say nothing to the owner! I guess it is easier for me to say hi to a dog than a random person in the elevator. My new goal is to say hi to both dog and owner! But I love that you smile at dogs, and you can smile at my baby when he gets here:)