Monday, November 12, 2007

The Curse Of The Missing Card ...

I had a depressing few days, with a slew of minor mishaps that contributed to my foul mood. It all began when I decided to fix my printer on Friday night. For the last few weeks, it would scan but not print. I tested this very trait by scanning my Metro card. The scan worked, and you can see it here in all its glory, but the printer still would not print. So I called the Dell people (really, we should be on a first-name basis by now), they solved the problem, and I promptly forgot about the Metro card still on the scanner. The next morning, I frantically rushed around looking for the card. I finally left my apartment without my card and by then in a horrible mood that would only get worse. (So bad that even retail therapy did not cure it.) Well, tonight I decided that my bad luck must end. I vowed not to stop searching until I found my card. And find it I did. Right on my scanner where I left it. I have never been so happy to see a piece of plastic ...
Now, for more good news, actually, for much better news, read this happy article. It could be partly due to my new post-curse, Zen-like state, but I nearly cried while reading it. And that does not happen often ... well, apart from last weekend, I mean ...


Tracie said...

I'm sooooo glad you found your metro card. It's the little things that mean the most! It was a heart warming story - just the type of story to get us in the mood for the holidays!

J. said...

I am protesting that you took down the blog entry "the one that got away!" It's a classic and needs to be on Capital C!!