I thought you might have some time to check my blog one of these days. And what a shame it would be if you did just that and found a letter to the Supreme Court here but not one to you. So you should know that unlike everyone else in the world, who spent your last weekend at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. drooling over the President Elect and celebrating his every sneeze, we did the respectful thing, and remembered that until Tuesday at noon, you are still in charge.
Yes, last night we celebrated your presidency in style. We read some of your best quotes, baked Texas cowboy cookies from my almost-outdated Presidential Cookies cookbook, ate delicious cowboy caviar, listened to the best breakup CD in the history of the universe (a whole CD of songs about moving on with life ... I can send you a copy if you like, I promise it works wonders) and of course, we watched The American President. (And by we, I mean me and a few people who understand that my admittedly strange fascination is not entirely insane, and that I really am just joking almost all of the time, and that I have lots of random presidential mementos because people like to give them to me and also because I worked in the White House this summer for free, so I obviously deserved things like stickers with pictures of your dogs and bronze coins with your face engraved on them and red plastic cups that say "Fourth of July at the White House 2008.") Anyway, I will speak for all of us here when I say thanks, for the memories ...
this is classic. classic.
Hey, we changed our blog address to keep things more private. It is now www.ourblogcjr.blogspot.com.
Ha ha! Loved it! Are you in the photo, C?
Yep, I am in the photo. Well, part of my face at least. (How nice of me to provide "Where's Waldo" type entertainment on my blog!)
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