Friday, January 23, 2009

Only in DC ...

... Would I encounter a friend (who reminds me of a really hyper cartoon character) coming out of the Metro on his way to school holding a birthday cake for Roe v. Wade and complaining that his cake-holding commute took longer than expected because of a vice presidential motorcade. Oh, and Justice Scalia judged the school moot court competition yesterday. And I realized, again, that I often like law school. But I am also rather alarmed by the fact that three weeks into the semester I do not yet hate my federal income tax class ... now that just seems wrong ...


Chris said...

(RE: Federal Income Tax class) Don't say that. Don't.

Autumn Day said...

Did "Betty Crocker" strike again? Hehehe

Wow, if that was what he did to commemorate Roe v. Wade, what will he do to honor Marbury v. Madison? As if there could ever be enough baked goods to be worthy of that anniversary!

J. said...

haha. Oh is this who I think it is? That is funny. I hope he makes you cookies.

Katie Blacker said...

I think we should have talked about this person, he sounds awesome!

P.S. said...

This reminds me of a time in London I was sitting on the stairs writing in my Journal and Sarah H. yelled to me, "I'm going to Barcelona for the weekend, have fun in Ireland. See ya!" I wrote it down instantly because I thought when again in my life will this conversation actually be serious?
I'm jealous you are still living in that "Did that just really happen?" world.

P.S. said...

And apparently my Journal is so important it needs to be capitalized. Typo I promise, I'm not that into myself.

The Kidds said...

That's so funny! You make my life just sound so boring! Nobody in this small town would celebrate a famous trial (actually- the bigger question would be how many people actually know what it is?).