Monday, January 5, 2009
Just like seventh grade ...
Today I went back to school. Minus my brain. Exhibit A: I forgot my locker combination. As in could not remember it at all. Am now enlisting help of math genius roommate to think of all possible combinations, since I conveniently also lost the paper that actually had the combination. I have narrowed the list of all possible numbers (no odd numbers, this I know) but any tips on cracking codes would be appreciated ...
Sorry about the locker. If I had a dollar for every time in high school when I had to go to the office to get the combo to my locker- I'd be rich. Good luck. Anyway- I don't comment often- but I have to tell you that when I read your blog i miss you so much. I hope you are having fun and know that I get total kick out of all your stories! love jess
Happened to me, too. Luckily, I had bought my lock in a 2 pack and gave the other lock to another student. So I just asked him.
I've heard that this works.
Also, they can cut the lock for you. =)
Bummer! Let's hope you didn't leave a tuna fish sandwich in it...or maybe that you did. You would get A LOT of help here later in the week ;-)
Oh you could eat a banana...isn't that supposed to increase brain power? Let me know if it works!
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