Thursday, October 22, 2009

I should be studying right now ...

I like to think of the people in charge of my school as being quite intelligent. They generally prove this to be true. Except that no one in the building seems capable of mastering a thermostat. Thus, every fall and spring I have the great pleasure of attending class in either a sauna or an igloo. Delightful, I assure you.

In other school news, I am studying Shakespeare in my law and literature class. I lived in London last time I did this. I like him fine now, but I liked him better there. I am also writing a paper about Jane Austen. Yes, a law school paper about Jane Austen. Which means I am not dreading it. Hooray! I am not going to lie, though, I definitely thought about trying to convince the professor that I should write about the legal system in Harry Potter instead.

And now, for some famous people. But not the type. Sorry about that. Last week Justice Kennedy spoke at our Law Review Symposium. I do not remember what he said. But I do remember that another panelist quoted someone I also do not remember saying this:

"History is not what happened. History is what we remember."

Or something like that. But I liked it. Finally, yesterday Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security spoke at school. In the same classroom as my Criminal Procedure class lass semester, which seemed appropriate. She told us to wash our hands and to cough into our elbows. And some other stuff, quite a lot of impressive other stuff actually, but this seems most practical to report ...

P.S. Andrea, Carly and Megan, I made that one reference just for you. I am so capable of planning a wild party. Just you wait.


Andrea said...

I have full confidence in your party planning abilities!!!

Joni said...

How did they not go for the Harry Potter paper? Seriously, comparing the Wizengamot and the SCOTUS has got to be a fascinating topic... what is the problem here? I am glad you are writing about Jane though. I'd like to read that when you're done with it. :)

Megan said...

LOL! Thank goodness I had Negotiations tonight so I could read your blog! I can't wait for this party. Law school must be so fun for you. ;)