Friday, October 30, 2009

Hershey ...

Today Carly and Andrea and I took a day trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania. I have been wanting to go there for months now, and we had a delectable time.

I must report however, that contrary to my expectations, the air did not smell like chocolate throughout the town. It definitely did smell like chocolate at Chocolate World. Delicious. And, Hershey makes some amazing cinnamon chips (like chocolate chips, minus the chocolate. Ironic, yes.)

And the lampposts (notice the correct spelling of lamppost, family; Bapa would be proud) were shaped like kisses. Delightful.

After Hershey, we went to Gettysburg. I loved seeing it in the fall, with the addition of gorgeous leaves, and minus the crowds and heat from my last visit. (Also, family: they have a new museum. Remember that really weird old one?!)

Our visit did make me wonder about the proper way to pose with a cannon. Clearly, I did not figure that out. Andrea came closer. She demonstrates a respect for the cannon that I think I am lacking.

After all of that, we came home, and Carly and I watched October Sky. Note to anyone reading: Stop reading immediately and go watch October Sky. If you live near me, you can come to my house and I will watch it with you. If you live near my parents, you can go to their house and watch it. If you live somewhere else, try Blockbuster. Seriously, go. Now. I had forgotten how much I love this movie. So inspiring. And not just because the nerdy girl gets the boy in the end. Why are you still reading?! Stop! Really, stop ...


Kevin and Heather Hirst said...

I have been wanting to go to Hershey too! I think we might go during Thanksgiving break. I love the kisses on the lampposts:) And I think your cannon pose is great-when I went to Gettysburg, I took a pic of me looking into the cannon!

Megan said...

I'm sad I missed this one.

J. said...

That look so fun! But I must admit, I wanted Hershey to smell like chocolate.

Laura said...

Fun, fun trip! I am missing you and can't wait for Callie time in a few weeks!