Friday, November 6, 2009

The Supremes...

Carly and I decided it would be pathetic if we graduated from law school in D.C. and never listened to an oral argument at the Supreme Court. So we waited in line and made it in this week. I quite enjoyed listening to the questions from the Justices, especially after reading their opinions for so long now. I also found it rather amusing to watch them during the arguments. I could only see their heads and shoulders, and it turns out that at any given time at least half of them sit in some variation of having their face in their hands. Not so much Justice Ginsburg. She sort of leans forward like a little bird. And Justice Thomas and Justice Scalia liked to rock in their chairs. And no, Justice Thomas did not say a word ...

1 comment:

Katie Blacker said...

wow. i didn't know this was possible. that WOULD be cool - if you're into smart people.