Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A confession ...

So today the wives of the president and vice president spoke at GW. I saw Jill Biden get out of the car. And I did not recognize her. And for some reason it seems like this should be publicly confessed. So there. Also, I like the number 11. And Christmas music. And macaroni and cheese. And discussions about the color yellow. And today included all of those things. So there ...

P.S. I also like this. And especially this: "I represent a church that believes in human dignity, in treating others with respect even when we disagree – in fact, especially when we disagree. The Church’s past statements are on the public record for all to see. In these comments and in our actions, we try to follow what Jesus Christ taught. Our language will always be respectful and acknowledge those who differ, but will also be clear on matters that we feel are of great consequence to our society."


Chris and Jen said...

I miss you! When you gonna be here over Thanksgiving break? We have to get together! We will be all moved by then!

Megan said...

I remember when I stayed with you when my grandpa was in the hospital and I was moving and you set your alarm for 7:11am because you didn't want to wake up right on the hour. Or maybe it was 7:04 or something, but something like that.