Confession: I bought a hardback, full-priced book today. I felt a bit guilty about it, until I got the chills reading the prologue. A writer who inspires that reaction in a crowded, sweaty Metro station deserves my money! But, I suppose I should start my story at the beginning. Today I went to the Mall for the National Book Festival, hosted by the Library of Congress and Laura Bush. What could be better than that?! Nothing! I love Laura (I think even the protesters I passed on the way to the festival would agree with my view of her as the epitome of classiness), I love the Library of Congress (still my favorite building in town), and I of course love the books! So I of course had to buy one: Supreme Conflict. I allowed myself to read for 30 minutes ... after I purposely took the long Metro route home so I could read on the train ...
A book about the Supreme Court, purchased just steps from the Capitol at the First Lady's book festival ... three branches of government in one transaction ...