Wednesday, September 5, 2007

White Shorts After Labor Day ...

Me writing about fashion probably means I have nothing interesting to report about anything else. I like my predictable life of school, school and more school, but I can really only write about studying so many times before I get bored with my own blog, and that would be pathetic. Which brings me back to fashion. The one (and only) benefit I find to living far from home would be the distance I am from the eyes of my always-fashionable family members. For example, I can now wear my favorite rainbow striped shirt EVERY day if I want to, and no one will threaten to hide, burn or otherwise mutilate it. But while I like knowing I can dress however I want without anyone actually noticing, caring or worrying about my dating prospects, it also means I am lacking my traditional trusted sources of clothing approval. For example, today I wore white shorts. Two days after Labor Day. And I do not know if this means I committed a crime of fashion (not to be confused with a crime of passion). I know there used to be a rule against such apparel, but I also remember hearing that the rule no longer applied. So I have just given up completely, and am now back to my pajamas ... the striped ones, of course ...

1 comment:

J. said...

ah the striped many good memories happened in that shirt:) And if you find out the rule about white let me know.