Saturday, September 8, 2007

Football And Fashion ...

I am really expanding beyond my traditional discussion topics this week. First fashion, and now football. I am so diverse! (Not to worry, I will return to law school in a few sentences, and Oprah will show up, too.)

Back to football. Today I watched a game. My team lost. But the point: I watched the game. On TV. My roommate and I wanted to go to a sports club where she could watch the game, I could watch the people watching the game, and we could both eat the fries. That plan did not work. We went to a house instead, where I got neither people watching nor fries. Which forced me to actually watch the game and listen to the announcers, who kept commenting about rulings and then overturning rulings. Now, I really do not care what those words mean in sports land, but they have meanings in law land, too, and I did not particularly want to be thinking about them on my Saturday night. Oh well.

Now, as basically everyone knows, I am NOT a fan of the O conglomerate. But I am quite intrigued to see how Oprah's support will help Barack Obama, my favorite of the Democratic contenders for president. Despite Oprah's endorsement, I like Obama. (Not nearly as much as I like Mitt Romney, but much more than I like some other candidates who for now shall remain nameless in case I change my mind and decide I want to work for them some day.) Anyway, Oprah evidently had quite a gala for Obama tonight, and she actually instructed people to wear flat shoes instead of heels so they would not damage her meadow or some such thing (this from an article I read on CNN). I wonder how you word that type of request on a formal invite. Something to consider. And now I am back to fashion ...

1 comment:

J. said...

Cal, you talking about Oprah and democrats brings a smile to my face. Two of my favorite things, but definitely not yours(okay, Oprah is dying down on me be, but still). As for football good job. I too enjoyed on in real life so I hear ya on the rulings and over-rulings.