Thursday, September 27, 2007

University Yard ...

I sat outside for an hour between classes today to enjoy the absolutely perfect autumn weather. A few other people had the same idea:
  • The lady at the hot dog stand outside the law school did some calisthenics before opening her stand. Her routine included jumping up and down repeatedly, swinging her arms around, turning slowly in a circle with her arms out, and then sort of bowing. Quite strange, really. (Disclaimer: If I am unaware of some sort of religious ritual, and I am being completely insensitive, please disregard the previous paragraph.) Rumor has it that someone once tried to sue the hot dog stand for not having the right permit or something. Do not mess with a swarm of law professors and overly enthusiastic soon-to-be-lawyers looking for a cause ... the stand remains and the suit does not.
  • Twenty preschoolers came outside to blow bubbles, draw on the sidewalks with colored chalk, and run through the sprinklers (fully clothed, of course).
  • And my personal favorite ... the truck with the "petroleum recovery and tank pumping service" and "spill response" labels on the side. Lovely. I do not even want to know what that truck needed to pump from my school.

In other news, yesterday I learned that I might (emphasize the might) qualify as a reasonably prudent person. All because of my Dad, who taught me that tires need tread. Yes, evidently reasonably prudent people need to know this ...

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