I am watching President Bush's final State of the Union address, and feeling both patriotic and nostalgic ... not a good combination for my blog readers, I fear. I am remembering watching the election results coming in nearly eight years ago, and going to bed without knowing the results. I certainly did not imagine then that I would be living here now, again, eight years later, soon to be studying Bush v. Gore in Constitutional Law, and crossing my fingers about another election in Florida. I am hoping that some of these plans being announced will really take shape, and that Democrats and Republicans really will somehow learn how to govern and campaign at the same time. And I am thinking that too often I type Untied instead of United, and the twisted letters really make a difference ...
P.S. I think he says "nuke-you-lar" on purpose. And I think that in eight more years, I will not be quite so lonely in my still-favorable opinion about W. ...