Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Lesson From A Fox ...

In a case today, from my Property book (which yesterday provided the manure case):

A man chases a fox, intending to kill it. Another man sees the chase, and, being competitive, vindictive or some other -ive, purposely kills the fox instead. So, of course, the first man sues the second man. But when the judge writes, “pursuit alone vests no property or right in the huntsman,” I do not think of foxes or property. I think of dating woes (general dating woes, not any particular ones, for the record) ... how sad ...

Disclaimer: That seemed more interesting in my head than it does on my screen. But since I spent those three minutes typing it, and since I cannot think of any other interesting tidbits to share with my loyal readers, I am not deleting it.