Wednesday, January 16, 2008

If You Give A Class A Cookie ...

... Someone will ask you why.

And when you tell that someone that you brought the cookies because Mitt Romney won the Michigan primary, she will ask you in disbelief if you really brought them for such a reason. And then you will tell the truth and say, no, you actually thought of that reason on the walk to class, and that you actually brought those mint Oreo cookies because you did not want them anymore. (You would leave out the part about how you did not want them anymore because you had already eaten half the package. All by yourself. And you would likely eat the other half in one sitting, which would be bad. So you removed the temptation.) And then you would say that you are so glad that you thought of that reason on the walk to class, because now everyone can enjoy Mitt Romney's victory, thanks to those delicious, celebratory cookies. And then your nine Democrat classmates would look at you in barely disguised disgust that you would really think a cookie would suddenly change their excitement level about a Republican primary election. And you would realize that while law school students will do many things for a decent treat, even they have their limits. And through it all, you will still be glad, because Mitt finally won a primary, AND you just ate a delicious mint Oreo cookie ...


Tracie said...

It's only appropriate that I respond to this blog because a) I LOVE mint oreo cookies (where do you think you got your habits) and b) I'm also thrilled that Mitt won (again - it runs in families!) Now on to Nevada and South or was it North Carolina! And...since I haven't responded to the other blogs posted since your return may I add that I love the pictures! That camera must have been an inspired gift from a jolly old man (Santa or your dad - take your pick!!)

carly said...

hahahah! I love this! you're a great story teller!...i mean...I heard it in person...and still enjoyed reading about it on your blog :)

Nicole said...

I thought that Mitt won Wyoming...but no one seems to remember that. Maybe it didn't really happen and I dreamt the whole thing...