Friday, October 5, 2007

Supreme Professors ...

Before school started, I watched what I now know to be the classic law school movie, The Paper Chase. I watched parts of it three times, actually. I found it so tedious and ridiculous the first time that I fell asleep. I managed to get through it the second time, and then Prof. B (actually, I have three Prof. B's, so I guess their anonymity will be protected more than most) "invited" my class to watch it again the first day of school.

So, I consider myself sufficiently versed in The Paper Chase, and I continued to consider it ridiculous. Until recently, when I realized that I am quickly becoming exactly what I ridiculed. For you lucky souls not familiar with The Paper Chase, the main character basically worships his Contracts professor. Now, do not worry, my fascination has not reached worship. But it could.

Today, a group of us had lunch with two professors (a different Prof. B and Prof. M). These kind (yes, I term them kind, but only when they stop acting like Socrates) fellows have lunch with a group of students every week, and I took my turn today. I already really liked both of them, but in particular found myself intrigued by Prof. M. And now I know why.

Not only does Prof. M start class exactly on time every day and notify us before he calls on us, but he basically knows the entire Supreme Court. Yes, THE Supreme Court. Now, in reading my new book about the Supreme Court, I have learned about the Bork controversy, the Kennedy nomination, the Thomas nomination and controversy, and the Roberts nomination. Well, Prof. M clerked for Bork, clerked for Kennedy, and then came back and clerked for Thomas during his first year on the Court. (The year I just finished reading about, where Thomas would write his own opinions and then the other justices would want to join. So his law clerks obviously did some good work!) Seriously! And, then years later, the Court appointed Prof. M to work on another case, this one with then-attorney and now Chief Justice John Roberts. So my professor knows him too! WOW!

And now, enough with the cheese and exclamation marks. Back to complaining about my homework ...

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