Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Need A Better Umbrella ...

Disclaimer: This post sounds like a really long complaint. For the record, I actually really like school so far. But normal occurrences do not make for interesting tales, so I am posting the more interesting elements of the day so far ...

So Day Two of law school and I am already drenched, literally and figuratively. First, the weather: rainy. Very rainy. Then the humidity: very humid. (I think 90 percent. Or maybe higher. Or maybe in the rain it reaches 100 percent. I am not sure about that.) Then, my red umbrella: small and slightly broken. It basically works, but every so often one side dips and trickles all the water down on me, my backpack, and my new shoes (Keds, and very comfy ones at that). Then the sweat factor. When a person walks in the rain as fast as possible in an attempt to get out of the rain, all while carrying a slightly faulty umbrella, a really heavy backpack, a lunch sack, a sweatshirt and a purse, that person becomes really really sweaty. I made it to class on time (actually, 10 minutes early, though basically the entire class got there at least 11 minutes early, so on time seems relative) though thoroughly soaked. And then class starts and the sea of assignments and cases just keeps swelling ...

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Would you like me to buy you a new umbrella? That's something I could do to help out a little!