Friday, August 24, 2007

Shortbread Fingers And Digestives ...

I survived my first real week of law school! Hooray! I must say, I have never, in my entire nerd existence, studied more than I did in the last seven days. When I say I did nothing but eat, sleep, study, and go to school for the first three days of the week, I am seriously not exaggerating. But I think I see the light now.

And speaking of seeing the light, I am currently reading cases about a few people who have seen the light (and gone towards it) in an entirely different way (this one being the way where they end up not among the living). This week alone I learned that cannibalism cannot be tolerated in jolly old England, but that the queen (the old one, not the current one) sometimes pardoned cannibals anyway. (I knew I loved that country for a reason! And I have another reason below.) I also learned that a persuasive ruling can convince me that one particular murderer should only be given probation instead of her original 10-year sentence. (In my defense, I think she killed the girl in what she believed to be self defense. But still.)

Along with murders, I am reading about many other unpleasant events, too. As I typed up my summary of one case last night, I had to include words that I am embarrassed to say made me embarrassed to type. (OK, we know I embarrass VERY easily. But still.) This could pose a problem. What if a professor calls on me to discuss one of these uncomfortable cases? To prepare for just that situation, I am now compiling my favorite euphemisms. Thanks to my professor, who used this in class today, I have chosen my first one: "reproductive behavior."

Now, finally, to my other reason for loving England: food (no surprise there). Happily for me, a store right across the street sells the British treats I love best, so I can now purchase them anytime I have a bad day, a good day, or just a Friday. Shortbread fingers! Digestives! And Haribo peachies (the good triangular kind) ...

1 comment:

J. said...

While learning about cannabilism sounds intriguing, I think I have you beat with my lecture on Friday on drugs my kids are using at school. I don't know which topic is more disturbing. On a happier note, thanks for the flight info. I think it is going to work:) I will go prepare for the presentation I have to give in Newport and the only driving force of motivation is knowing you are studying your brains out while I type. xox