Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Oh Tree, I Feel Sick"

I take a break from ranting about rain and forlorn study spaces to mention some choice gems from the day. First, I am happy to report, we have clouds but no rain so far today. (At least not when I had a glimpse of a window. Which quite honestly has not been all that much. But I only care about rain when I am in it. Which I am currently not.) Next, I have discovered a lovely study space. I am not going to reveal where, just in case I have an Internet stalker who also happens to attend my school. But I feel much better about the state of school thanks to said study table. Now to the title. I am not sick, and I have no friends or family members named Tree. But one man did feel sick, quite suddenly, while driving a vehicle. He turned to his wife, named Tree. (Actually Teresa. Tree is a nickname. But that does not matter.) He said, "Oh Tree, I feel sick." Then he fainted and crashed the car. Then the two women in the backseat (one of whom had never even driven a car, by the way) sued him because they flew out of the car and became injured. Then the judge ruled on the case. Then my professor made us read it. And now I will give my three (actually I think I now have five) blog readers a chance to experience A Law School Class:

Wise Professor: What happened in this case? Tell me the facts.
Student: We can skip this part. I just typed it above.
Wise Professor: OK then smarty pants (actually I have met no self-respecting law professor who would say that. I embellished the story a bit to add some flavor) then what do you think of this case? Should the defendant be held liable in this case?
Student: I am not sure. The defendant did cause an injury to those two women who do not drive. I feel bad for them, since they will suffer the consequences of the injuries they received at no fault of their own.
Wise Professor: So the man who fainted, through no fault of his own, should be liable?
Student: No. I don't know.
Wise Professor: OK, I will give you another example. If someone reads your blog and laughs so uncontrollably that he falls from his chair and injures himself, should you be held liable?
Student: No ...

And now you see why I should really be studying instead of blogging ...


G.G. said...

Thanks for the taste of law school. And told in true callie flavor. I just heard about someone suing for calling a kid stupid in a class. Better watch myself. I'm on the teacher's side btw. (don't worry I never do that) Keep studying....l, J La

Unknown said...

Here's my court brief / legal opinion.

Tree is a great nickname- I will never name a daughter Teresa, But would certainly nickname a daughter Tree- Not in Hippy way but a dad and daughter way.

Do tree's like rain?